Tenga.com has perfected the male masturbator sex toy, which is why we have put it at the top of our list. They tested and tested and tested some more to find the best materials for a super realistic masturbatory experience and we think they were quite successful!
Lovense.com is the perfect sex toys shop for those looking to get a male masturbator for their partner. Yes, masturbators are generally meant to be used alone but there is nothing like giving the gift of a sex toy!
SexToys.co.uk is one of the most popular UK destinations for all things sex toys related but lately one category has been better than the rest: male masturbators. You can find one of the largest selections of male masturbators here.
IntimateGadgets.com is another super popular sex toys site that has a fantastic male masturbators section. You'll find all sorts of sizes here, plus materials ranging from silicones to washable fabrics and everything in between.
BettysToyBox.com is mostly known for its female-oriented sex toys but did you also know that they have a great collection of male masturbators as well? Find all types, shapes, and sizes here, for beginners and pros as well.
UberKinky is always trying to push sexual and taboo boundaries with their sex toys and their male masturbators are no exception. These aren't your typical male masturbators; instead these sex toys will push your sexual comfort zone somewhere entirely new.
CoolMaleSexToy.com specializes in creating sex toys eschpeially for men so it's no wonder that their male masturbators are some of the most popular on the internet. Every toy is hand crafted with the highest quality materials to ensure that they last a lifetime.
NiteTimeToys.com strives to make night time more fun and sexy, whether you're with someone or on your own. Their male masturbator sex toy is designed to be used solo or with a partner's help.
Bondara prides itself on crafting entirely unique and different sex toys. Because each male masturbator is made by hand, each one is slightly different and can also be customized.
JouJou.com is a new online sex toys shop but it is quickly becoming one of our go-tos. This is because of the incredible pricing and also the vast selection of male masturbators. You'll find everything here!