


What Is The Big Fuss About Caspering?


Now let's all gather ourselves around the old campfire for some tales of ghosting. It is an experience that can often be more unpleasant than the classic tales of terror that we grow up hearing. Stories about how new love just tragically disappeared never to be seen again! We have all been there but why does modern dating need to be so very painful? Why can't there be a nicer friendlier way to ghost in the modern age.

Behold the introduction of caspering! It has all the benefits of ghosting for the ghoster, but without all the pain and suffering it would normally be associated with a classical ghosting, so have a heart. This small change will leave you in their good books!

The difference isn't big but it takes a little bit of effort and a backbone...

You simply tell them you don't want to talk anymore and wish them well!

The Price of Ghosting

Life is busy and time is money, no one is going to argue that! We recognize the challenges of modern dates and the crush they put on time, so we understand the appeal of ghosting and we people are drawn to it time and time again! While it is convenient to the ghoster and saving them precious time it can have a rather devastating toll on the hearts and minds of the ghosted.

Would you really want to be treated that way? Maybe you have been, but does that make it right for you to become the emotion assassin in another innocent person's life? You know it does yet it always feels like an option worth considering, regardless of the consequences. But now you have a choice, just need to dig a little deeper in you and make the right choice.


You can step up and play the role of a villain or you can show the person a little respect by caspering them and make yourself into a friendly ghost!

The Pain of Being Ghosted


Being ghosted can really take a noticeable chunk out of the ghosted persons self-esteem, leaving them to truly question their place in the dating world and how their future romantic life is going to play out for them and uncertain about their ability to attract potential partners! It is now uncommon for people to take long breaks from the dating world after being ghosted as a way to cope with this insult. Let's face it, none of us are going to be getting any younger, so is it fair to make a person exile themselves from the world of dating just so you can save yourself a couple seconds of awkwardness!

It's time to become an adult and handle these dating issues with a little grace and class. If you are up for it because some people are just naturally selfish. Do you see yourself like that? Are you wondering what's in it for you?

Why Does This Compassion Get You

The good news is that casperingis not without its benefits that will ultimately serve you, but they aren't immediately noticeable but you will be thankful you put that time in eventually! If the idea of not crushing a person's heart is not incentive enough to casper we want to remind you:

It is a small world

You do not need to believe in karma to understand that people move in circles and in the world of online dating, you will likely encounter friends and acquaintances of the person you are planning to ghost. It may seem far-fetched at first, but let us assure you -- you will be burning bridges and squandering opportunities down the road by playing the role of the villain. So do not let this mistake come back to haunt you because they will definitely bite you on the ass later. So don't you think it is worth avoiding this embarrassment?

Do You Really Want to Be a Ghoster?

Word spreads quickly in the world of modern dating, and if you don't see that you are just been short-sighted. This is something that you will ultimately pay for later, especially if you like to play the field if you know what I mean!

This is a problem that will affect you regardless of the size the city you are currently residing in but it is worth noting that in smaller places you will become notorious much sooner!

It does not take long before you are singled out and identified as a person who is always causing the people they date trouble. A stigma like this can become hard to shake, and in some cases, it could take months or years to disappear. It could end up following you your whole life even and decrease the chances of you making great connections in the future!

How To Casper With Kindness

Now, this new trend got its name from a beloved little ghost named Casper, that is known for one very specific trait:

He is a friendly ghost!

That should be your goal here, and in doing that you would do best to focus less on the rejection and more on what you need right now. Avoid things like:

- you are not what I am looking for

- you are not my type

- I am not interested anymore

Comments like these, while they may be true, undo the good work you are doing here. Do not make this effort go to waste and make sure that when you exit they still hold you in a high regard. Only good can come of a situation like that. Now if you connect with a friend of theirs down the road who you connect with better, they will tell them: yeah, they are a nice person but it just didn't work out. Now that is a much better review than them potential outing you as a jerk and killing your chances with this new person. Trust us, it always pays to put in this extra work because you can never guess who will know who -- so play it safe!

Successful Samples of Messages

Make it more about your current situation and just say that unfortunately, you do not have time for this now and just wish them well in their future dates. By saying you don't have time for THIS you are not being dishonest. Who does have time to date a person they aren't interested in? But you don't need to explain that and who knows, in a month or two you could find yourself rethinking this choice and what another try -- crazier things have been known to happen!

When you act classy these options remain available to you, but if you blow it these bridge is burned and many others potentially. So hedge those bets and make your dating game stronger without causing others pain! This way you never need to worry about missing out because you are still in the loop!

How to Resurrect From a Caspering

Usually returning from the dead would be classified as a modern miracle that would warrant a new religion in your name or at the very least a decently sized cult. Not in this situation, here is just a matter of finesse and charisma. The acting is actually so common these days that is has earned a new title:


A person who cuts off all contact but then repeatedly comes back after long absences. Different from someone who ghosts and never returns, a zombie pops up and says hi every few months.

The good news here is that you are in a much better place to succeed than the people in the scenario above because they were reckless and ghost but you took the time to treat the person compassionately and they won't be forgetting that anytime soon! Being kind will always pay off!

Social Circles and Stigma

The world we currently live in is very interconnected. No man is an island upon himself as the old saying goes, and it couldn't be more relevant today! Ensure that you are not going to be ostracized within small communities that exist within your city and the result may just pay you back tenfold and what did it ultimately cost you besides a couple of seconds of your time.

When you think of it this way it is hard to rationalize behaving any other way and you avoid the dreaded roll of the local lothario!

What Does Ghosting Achieve?

If you just take a couple seconds to jot down the pros and cons of ghosting you will quickly be seeing that the pros are slim and that same pro is present when you casper. That goal is simply freedom but caspering not only gives you freedom but you get options too, which is so very important. So do not make the mistake of painting yourself into a corner by taking shortcuts. Let's be honest, ghosting is not even much of a time saver since caspering can usually be achieved in one text and you aren't obligated to respond if they do. You have already set a boundary with them, and if they can not accept that then that is their problem and you have dodged a bullet in the long run and if they keep demanding an explanation blocking there number is a simple solution to deal with this issue. Let's just hope it doesn't go there!

Dating Karma

Whether you choose to believe it or not, dating karma has become a very real thing due to social media and its huge impact on how we communicate. Accountability is almost a guarantee now, something the previous generations did not have to encounter and that is unfortunate because we learned from them so many bad habits that have become reinforced tropes in tv and movies. Take Seinfeld for example, the main characters are all liars, manipulators, and gaslighters, but we still love their antics. This doesn't mean you need to stop watching these shows, just remind yourself from time to time that these are dated beliefs and if the characters on Seinfeld existed today their awful reputations would proceed them. So it is best that you protect yourself to ensure that you will have as many options as possible because let's face it dating isn't easy for anyone!

Would Friendship Be a Terrible Option

We live in a time where strictly platonic friendship between men and women are almost extinct and there is nothing more dreaded than that evil friend zone. But why? How has it become the norm that we refuse the opposite sex as a legitimate friend? We all have so much we can offer each other besides carnal pleasures... which are awesome but they aren't everything. If you casper a person you may be surprised and find that down the road they can become a great friend to you and offer you something just as rich and fulfilling as a romance. Most romances tend to come and go, that is their nature because you only have one at a time. This is not the case with friends, so build a roster of friends instead of a collection of broken hearts!

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What Is "Caspering?" - Ezhookups.com

Who says that all dating tricks need to be cruel? Ezhookups.com wants you to forget about ghosting and breadcrumbing because it is time to meet Caspering!

What Is "Caspering?" - Ezhookups.com